Nubian Historical & Cultural Preservation Trust


The Imperial Kingdom Of Nubia (I.K.O.N.) primary focus is to address critical issues that affect Indigenous Nubian peoples in particular forced assimilation, forced relocation, health and focusing on the overall well being of the Nubian communities. We acknowledge the fact that violent crimes, forced relocation and genocide has been perpetrated against indigenous people worldwide and has become a matter of global insecurity, this creates generational trauma which has resulted to symptoms of (P.T.S.D.) Post traumatic stress disorder.
Our objective is to address this pandemic in constructive and life enhancing ways while implementing the U.N.D.R.I.P. We intend to seek alternative approaches to enable indigenous peoples to make positive life choices through self identification as defined in the U.N.D.R.I.P and in the context of generational awareness and re-evaluation of self as an extension of Indigenous Nubian culture.
Indigenous Nubian's will be shown that success is achieved through indigenous cultural preservation and cooperative communities.
It is our intended purpose to contribute to the resolution of this global dilemma as a facilitator of constructive change through the preservation of Nubian culture paying close attention to women an children.
The Imperial Kingdom Of Nubia (I.K.O.N.) will engage in dialogue referencing the U.N.D.R.I.P. with experienced, qualified plenary groups or individuals that share our concerns about the immediate environment of violence and fear among indigenous peoples worldwide in particular; Nubia." - H.I.M. Shaykh As-Sayyid Ali Abdullah Muhammed Al Mahdi

The Kingdom Of Nubia is an ancient region located in the Nile River Valley. The Kingdom Of Nubia is divided into lower and upper Nubia of what is known today as Southern Egypt and Northern Sudan. The Kingdom Of Nubia is often referred as the Land of Gold known earlier as the Kingdom of Kush.
What is the History of the Kingdom of Nubia?
Up to the Middle Ages, the division of Nubia into Upper and Lower Nubia resulted in the formation of three kingdoms known as Nubadia, Makuria and Alodia. During 6th century AD the people of these kingdoms were converted to Christianity but there were major differences between these nations. However during 7th century AD Nubadia and Makuria were united under the reign of the King of Makuria which was weakened only in the 13th century by frequent attacks by Mamelukes of Egypt who claimed Lower Nubia. Makuria came under the control of the Arab invaders paving way for its ultimate disintegration.
Where is the Kingdom of Nubia?
The region of Nubia covers the area from Aswan next to River Nile and extends towards Khartoum situated in the south. Nubia came to be divided with Sudan and Egypt when the Republic of Egypt was formed in 1953. With the construction of the Aswan dam, during the 1970s, many Indigenous Nubians were forced to relocate to Nubian villages located on the western bank of the Nile River while many migrated to Cairo and other cities.
What is the Culture of the Kingdom of Nubia?
The name Nubia refers to a specific ethnic culture in Africa and can be traced back to the 4th century when the nomads known as Noba settled in the region. They used a Nilo-Saharan language derived from Old Nubian language used in ancient religious texts dated before 15th century AD. In recent times, the rugged region towards south west of Khartoum is popularly identified as Nuba Hills with the people inhabiting the region known as the Nuba. However they are different from the ancient Nubians in appearance, culture and language though some of them may have descended from the ancient Noba people.
What are some Quick Facts about the Kingdom of Nubia?
The Kingdom of Nubia flourished from 3800 BCE to 1400 CE. The major exports of the region were gold, iron tools and weapons, incense and ivory. The major industries of Nubia pertained to mining, farming, army defense and trading.
The Nubians followed the religion of the ancient Egyptians and dressed initially in similar clothing like the Egyptians in loose, (Galabiyah) white cotton clothes. However, the Nubians soon adopted the colorful cotton attire of the people inhabiting the southern part of the Sahara region.
The Kingdom Of Nubia contains many sites of archaeological importance including tombs, fortresses and temples many of which were damaged by the waters of the Dam. Some artifacts have being moved to the Nubian Museum located near Aswan.
Official language:
Historically, the people of Nubia spoke at least two varieties of the Nubian language group, a subfamily that includes Nobiin, Nubic (the descendant of Old Nubian), Kenuzi-Dongola, Arabic, Midob and several related varieties in the northern part of the Nuba Mountains in South Kordofan. Until at least 1970, the Birgid language was spoken north of Nyala in Darfur, but is now extinct.
Regime in the Imperial Kingdom of Nubia parliament heritable Royal resides as His Imperial Majesty Shaykh As-Sayyid Ali Abdullah Muhammed Al Haadi Al Mahdi on the throne of the Kingdom of the top three authorities, also serving as the supreme commander of the armed forces.
Kingdom flag:
Flag symbolizes the roots of the Kingdom which are two scimitars and a pineapple. (scimitar 1) Nubia, (scimitar 2) Omdurman. The colors gold represents the wealth of the Land of Gold, white represents purity and green represents the vast lands of the Kingdom, and red represent the blood spilled to protect the Kingdom which combines parts of the flag represents the Muhammad family.
Diversity of the population:
According to statistics of the population, in 2011 the number of Nubia's population of 6 million and 249 thousand people.
The influx of Anglo-Egyptian & Arabs had contributed to the suppression of the Nubian identity following the collapse of the last Nubian kingdom around 1504. In the New Kingdom, Nubian's and Sudanese were often so closely related that some scholars consider them virtually indistinguishable, as the two cultures melded and mixed together.
A major part of the modern Nubian population became totally Arabized and some claimed to be Arabs (Jaa'leen – the majority of Northern Sudanese – and some Donglawes in Omdurman Sudan). A vast majority of the Nubian population is currently Muslim, and the Arabic language is their main medium of communication in addition to their indigenous old Nubian language. The unique characteristic of Nubian is shown in their culture (dress, dances, traditions, and music).

Consulate Of The Kingdom
M: 123-456-7890
F: 123-456-7890
O: 123-456-7890
M: 123-456-7890
F: 123-456-7890
O: 123-456-7890
M: 123-456-7890
F: 123-456-7890

The Imperial Kingdom Of Nubia is an I.P.O. (Indigenous Peoples Organization) listed in the Database of the United Nations Department Of Economic And Social Affairs.