"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
Pennies For Hope And Change
The Sponsor-A-Mind Program is designed to help young people focus on their education and ease their families’ financial strain. By sponsoring their education in this way, we give these youth the opportunity to expand their awareness and increase the options for their future. Sponsor-A-Mind may look like a simple donation service on the surface, but its true purpose is nothing less than facilitating the growth and development of our nation’s youth so that they can mature and become contributing members of our community.No child should be denied an education, yet all too often, the quality of the school, its location in the midst of gang turf, and the poverty of students’ families mean that the schoolchildren are not able to focus on their work. The MOER Foundation cannot resolve all of the issues around innercity violence and underfunded schools, but we can successfully eliminate one distraction: the lack of basic materiel. Just as a carpenter cannot operate without a hammer or a doctor without a stethoscope, students and teachers cannot do their work without pens, rulers, paper, and backpacks. By supplying these items free of charge to needy students, we both enable them to acquire an education and free up funds that their families need for other necessities.
Broad goals and immediate objectives
The Sponsor-A-Mind Program is designed to help young people focus on their education and ease their families’ financial strain. By sponsoring their education in this way, we give these youth the opportunity to expand their awareness and increase the options for their future. Sponsor-A-Mind may look like a simple donation service on the surface, but its true purpose is nothing less than facilitating the growth and development of our nation’s youth so that they can mature and become contributing members of our community.
Program Activities
The Sponsor-A-Mind program is active all year round with peaks of activity in the fall as the school year commences and in January as the second session gets under way and students need their supplies refreshed. All year long, however, students work on classroom presentations and projects, so they need material like poster boards, glue, markers, and much more. Both sides of the equation are active throughout the year. Teachers and parents register at the Sponsor-a- Mind website where they can apply directly for donations and post to discussion forums. At the same time, Sponsor-A-Mind volunteers request items from stores all year round so that they are available for delivery as soon as requests come in. The Sponsor-A-Mind committee reviews requests monthly, picks up donations from stores, and coordinates distribution to the school or individual. Since its inception, we have been documenting the program through correspondence and photography; much of this record is available on our website