Farmers Market Guidelines

Welcome to Roxbury Crossing Farmers’ Market Program
Market Days are held every Saturday May through August, and may fall on other days as decided by the Roxbury Crossing Main Streets Office. The following are a list of ruleseach vendor must read, sign and participate in.
A. Definition of Vendor: All products sold must be grown, produced, or handcrafted by the vendor. “Vendor” shall be defined as the producer of the goods sold and shall include the spouse, siblings, children, parents, and employees of the vendor who assist in the cultivation or assembly of the product. All approved vendors are required to apply and be approved by the Main Street Manger and Farmers Market Committee.
B. Permitted items for sale: Agricultural, horticultural, homemade soap and homemade candles. Vendors may not sell or offer any products or literature deemed offensive, or which may inciteviolence, crime or disorderly conduct. Vendors may not sell weapons, resale or garage sale items at
the Roxbury Crossing Farmers’ Market.
Re-Sale of Items: Local items purchased for sale must have been grown, produced, or processed within a 90-mile radius of the Farmers’ Market. If the vendor has purchased local items to sell; the name, location, and contact phone number of the grower/producer must be clearly posted. The market coordinator can provide you with an approved sign.
Any agricultural item such as yard eggs or dairy that is not permitted from the
State of Massachussetts must be labeled UNGRADED and have contact name of the producer clearly posted.
C. Vendor space: All approved applicants who sell foods in the market are required to register for the space they use. Each space shall not exceed 10’ x10’ (not including vehicle behind table). Vendors supplying their own attractive tents and/or canopies must make sure they fit within the assigned 10’ x10’ booth space. No part of the display may extend into the pedestrian walk space or parking area.
D. Space assignment: Spaces may be reserved for up to an entire season by registering in advance and will be placed on a first come first served basis.
E. Failure to show: If you fail to show up on Market Day, at 8:00 a.m. your spot will automatically be forfeited to another vendor. If you are going to be late or will not be setting up, contact the Market Coordinator or the Main Street office during normal working hours.
F. Time for setup: The setup of the market may begin at 7:00 a.m. and must be completed by 8:00 a.m. All vehicles not being used for selling products must be removed from the Market area by 7:30 a.m. You are not allowed to leave your vehicle running during the market. Please unload all items before you begin booth set up to avoid vehicle congestion if you are not using your vehicle for
selling products.
G. Cleanup: Please do not leave behind garbage. Vendors may not dump oil, wastewater, or any other refuse (including clean water and/or ice) into the storm drains, landscaping or any other area around the Market. Violators will be removed from the Market immediately. Absolutely no equipment and/or but not limited to vehicles, refrigerators, trailers, tables, or tents may be left at the market after normal market operating hours. Vendors are responsible and must vacate the premises after each market day. NO EXCEPTIONS. Vendors shall remain at the Farmers’ Market until the market is closed at noon. Booth take down cannot occur before this time.
H. Vendor Responsibilities: Vendors are responsible for their children and guest(s) at all times. Do not allow your children to run freely through the Market to disrupt other vendors or customers.
Children must be supervised at all times. Vendors are responsible for the merchandise, security, and liability of their booths and persons. Vendors shall indemnify and hold the City of Boston, Roxbury Crossing Main Streets, and Farmers’ Market Volunteers harmless from any and all loss.
NO smoking is allowed at the Farmers’ Market. Animals, other than service dogs, are not allowed in the Farmers’ Market. Alcoholic beverages and firearms are not allowed in the Farmers’ Market. Vendors must posses and obtain, on their own, all appropriate licenses and permits and may without notice be required to show such to any City of Boston, Roxbury Crossing Farmers’ Market representative. This includes but is not limited to Sales Tax licensing and health permits.
I. Hold harmless clause and insurance: Each vendor is responsible for carrying his/her own general liability insurance if desired. All vendors agree to hold harmless the Roxbury Crossing Main streets Farmers’ Market and the City of Boston for any loss, cost of damages or other expenses incurred.
J. Conflicts: Any conflict, or potential conflict, which may arise between a vendor and a customer or between vendors at the Market must be brought to the attention of the Main Street Manager.
K. Sole Discretion: The Roxbury Crossing Main Streets Program reserves the right to make any and all decisions in the best interest of the market.
A. Complaints: Any complaint against any vendor regarding the origination of the producer or goods, or any other matter, must be directed to the Roxbury Crossing Main Street Manager. Resolution of complaint matters shall be the responsibility of the Main Street Manager. The Roxbury Crossing Main Streets, Farmers Markets department shall determine, in their sole discretion, what type of investigation, if any shall be conducted in response to written complaints; whether or not the written complaint is valid and appropriate: and the time frame in which such a response shall be made.
B. Complaint resolution: A vendor may receive citations for violating any provision that underminds the smooth operations of the Market. Citations are issued in the following manner:
1st violation: vendor receives verbal warning
2nd violation: vendor receives written warning
3rd violation: vendor can stay for that market day but will no longer be eligible to
participate in the Roxbury Crossing Farmers’ Market.