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Local Community MainStreets Benefits:

The Roxbury Crosing MainStreets will aspire to provide many benefits from both the state and national programs. Listed below are some examples of how our local community can and will enjoy the wide-ranging benefits that stem from our local MainStreets programs.

Local Residents & Consumers
Small Business Owners

• An enhanced marketplace with better retail opportunities and the benefits of shopping local

• A greater sense of local pride

• A bigger variety of social and cultural activities

• More opportunities to keep kids in town

• A stronger sense of community

• Improved awareness of local history

• Opportunities to participate/volunteer

• Better communication in the community

• Increased home values



 Increased sales

• Improved business image

• Increased business value

• Coordinated efforts between local business and franchises

• Better quality of business life

• Expanded educational opportunities, including seminars and workshops

• Increased customer traffic

• Unified district marketing strategies promotion and advertising

• More business diversity

• New market groups downtown

• Stronger community pride

• A way to voice important needs and issues


Community Historical Preservationist 

• Increased coalition-building opportunities

• Increased local historical awareness

• Better support for preservation planning, design guidelines, zoning changes, etc.

• Improved public image and credibility

• Better economic feasibility of preservation

• Increased use of federal, state and local preservation incentives



Property Owners

• Increased occupancy rates

• Improved rent stability

• Higher property values

• Reduced vandalism and crime

• Assistance with tax credits, grants, loan programs, design, and co-op maintenance

• Improved communication with other property owners

• Better image

• New uses for space, especially on upper floors


Local Government

• More local jobs

• Healthier local economy

• Increased tax base

• More tourism revenue

• Higher property values

• Clear community goals and vision

• Positive perception of local community

• Better relations between city hall and private sector

• Opportunities for industrial recruitment

• Stronger motivation for public improvements and grant dollars

• Increased volunteer base for city

• More education resources for city leaders and officials on planning and economic development

Financial Institutions

• Fulfills Community Reinvestment Act requirements

• Greater demand for loans, deposits, and other financial services

• Improved local image and goodwill

• Survival of community is critical to bank success and economic stability

• Cost-effective central location

• Improved business image 

• Healthier economy generates more business

• Opportunities for tapping leakage


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