Club Head Coach:
Assistant President / General Corner /
As-Sayyid Abdulrahman Sadiq Al-Mahdi

Website Owner/ Developer
As-Sayyid Ali Abdullah Muhammed Al Mahdi
Brand Ambassador To The United States Of America
As-Sayyid Ali Al Mahdi is responsible for the formation of the Khartoum Polo Club. Considered by many a “Noble gentleman” with a refined character who is also a keen historian and values various traditions that are the very foundations, our modern world is built on.
As-Sayyid Ali Al Mahdi is committed to progressive ideas and philanthropic ideals to support low-income families and socially disadvantaged communities. After serving as Chairman & CEO of for the MOER Foundation an internationally recognized NPO/NGO for over 14 years. “Doc” as he is known by many has spent collectively dedicated over 27 years developing various entrepreneurial training initiatives, Mental health awareness, Substance & opiate abuse prevention and Childhood obesity prevention initiatives.
Having successfully established transparent donation projects such as (Sponsor-A-Mind) supporting various global initiatives that have helped create a bridge to social, economic, academic and environmental opportunities.